Our curriculum is designed to provide all students with a broad and balanced education which offers appropriate intellectual stretch and challenge.
Our overarching desired outcome is that all students are as best prepared as they can be for the next stage in their education.
Our curriculum programmes ensure that all have equal access to linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative areas of study.
I hope that you find the information on these pages of the website helpful.
Mr Chris Quayle, Deputy Head Academic
All subjects encourage the students’ development of speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy skills. We are known as a very high-achieving school in terms of exam results, but that does not mean that we need to be tied slavishly to exam syllabuses. On the contrary, the work we do in all subjects often goes well beyond what is strictly required of students in public examinations. We want to ensure that boys and girls are gripped by a fascination with the subject and take their studies further out of interest, not in order merely to get a particular examination grade.
We have long believed in the vital importance of extra-curricular life, an aspect that does not merely complement but actually strengthens the academic side: our Junior School, GCSE and A-Level results demonstrate every year that those who achieve most highly in the classroom and examination hall are those who have been most fully engaged in sport, the arts and all the other aspects of the RGS's incomparably rich life outside the classroom.
Students with Special Learning Needs
Students with special learning needs and EHC plans are catered for within the Learning Support department – details of this provision are available here.
Flexibility and individual learning
We work hard to ensure that programmes of study and schemes of work are suited to all students and take into account the age, aptitude and needs of all. Differentiation and appropriate variation in teaching ensures that there is access and opportunity for all students to learn and make progress.
As students progress through the school there are increasing opportunities for them to follow their own interests, and a careful balance is struck between ensuring balance and allowing students choice. At Sixth Form level students have the freedom to specialise, though even then we do our best to ensure that broader learning and development of personal skills continue. We have an exceptionally wide range of extracurricular activities which both complement the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom and help to develop wider interests.
PSHE, Philosophy and Religion
PSHE or Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is designed to ensure that alongside Philosophy and Religion (P&R) all students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to manage their lives. It is delivered along with SRE (Sex and Relationship Education) to support and guide our students’ physical, moral and emotional wellbeing and development. These are key to students’ health and happiness and for learning to be both enjoyable and productive.