Who should I contact?
The information below will help you identify the appropriate member of staff that you need to contact to ensure your child, and yourself, get the correct support in the quickest time. If in doubt, please email communications@rgs.newcastle.sch.uk and we will help direct your query.
Who should I contact?
Contact List
Having used the images above to work out who you need to contact, please find the list of those contacts here.
In order to send an email, you need the initial and surname of the person you would like to contact - e.g. s.smith@rgs.newcastle.sch.uk
Reporting an Absence
Junior School
If your son/daughter will be absent from school please call 0191 281 8955 before 9am giving their name, form and reason for absence. If they are to be absent for a second day or longer, please keep us informed by phoning the number above on each morning of the absence, or by emailing Mrs Evans or Miss Noble.
Senior School
If your son/daughter will be absent from school please call 0191 281 5711 before 9am giving their name, form and reason for absence. If they are to be absent for a second day or longer, please keep us informed by phoning the number above on each morning of the absence, or by emailing registration@rgs.newcastle.sch.uk
Medical or dental appointments
If your son/daughter has a medical or dental appointment and will be absent for part of the school day, please let the Form Supervisor know by sending a note* or email giving dates and times.
If the arrival time at school will be after 8.45am, please make sure they have a note or copy of the email which must be shown when they sign in.
If the appointment is during the school day, a note or copy of the email must be shown when your son/daughter signs out at Reception.
Contact will be made with a parent if confirmation of an appointment has not been seen.
*note – this can be a letter or a note in the School Planner