Sixth Form Admissions

Two sixth form girls painting

At Sixth Form level, we take up to 50 new students (male and female) each year. 

For those wishing to join the Sixth Form we will set up an interview (this is formal but not an interrogation). The purpose of this is to find out more about the applicant and explore their interests and talents. When applicants join us for this interview they will also undertake a short web-based aptitude test.  We will also ask for a recent report and will request a reference from their current school, including forecast GCSE grades.

Interviews will be held from November 2024 through to the early part of Spring  2025.

While there are no formal entrance requirements for entry to the RGS Sixth Form, we do offer subject-specific guidance and will offer interviews to prospective students who can demonstrate evidence that they are at an appropriate standard in their GCSE predictions.

Click on the logo to find out about the Reece Foundation Bursary Scheme

Reece Foundation logo

Sixth Form Prospectus