The RGS Bursary Campaign, funded entirely by voluntary donations, has supported over 420 students since the campaign was launched in 2002. Currently 1 in 16 RGS students are benefiting from bursary funding, the vast majority on a 100% bursary in line with our commitment to direct our finite funds to those who demonstrate the greatest need. The immediate practical impact is tangible. Find out more about how to apply here.
And yet, if this story is to continue, long term, very long term, we need to grow the fund both in terms of financial strength and the numbers of bursary students. From the Penrith generation of 1939 - 1944, to the current day, Old Novocastrians provide valuable support to the Bursary Campaign, along with current and former parents and staff, local charitable trusts and North East businesses. We are grateful for every donation which we spend with great care. Please join us.
Nigel McMinn
Governor and Chair of RGS Bursary Campaign