Our Supporters
The school is grateful to hundreds of individuals, Old Novos, parents, charitable trusts and companies who have already made gifts to support RGS Partnerships, RGS Bursaries and School capital projects.
The following individuals and organisations have been made Fellows of the Royal Grammar School Educational Trust by the Governors of RGS due to their commitment and substantial support in making a difference to less advantaged children and their families:
Adam Applegarth
The Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust
Christine and Brian Daglish
James Miller
The Northern Rock Foundation
Susan and David Ratliff
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Benfield Motors Charitable Trust
Dr Bernard Trafford
The Advani family
Guy Readman
The Reece Foundation
Brian Ritchie
The Sir James Knott Trust
Philip Snowden
Crispian Strachan
Louis Taylor
Richard Metcalfe
Peter and Wuliang Walker
Paul Walker
The following supporters enable the various RGS Partnerships projects we deliver:
The Reece Foundation
British Engines
HMCK Charity
Virgin Money Foundation
LEGO Education
Digital Schoolhouse
The Common Room of the North
Beamish Museum
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
Classics for All
Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Schools North East